I swear the sock is out of control. I was trying to get to and check how many games St. Louis needed to clinch the NL Central when the sock flops up on the keyboard and clicks on Rachels blog. I swear I'm gonna have to tape him down.
P.S. I really hope Rachel doesn't mind me using her picture.
ha! awesome.
Ooh--a double nekkid pic. That's a little creepy!
Damn those socks anyway! At least it's a White Sock and not a Red Sock!
Happy HNT!
Techymike, them's fightin' words bucko..let's take this outside.
Chunky monkey, of course I don't mind. I'm flattered and a little embarrassed but I'll recover. Always love your socks.
Escapee socks from the dryer... now this! They're taking over the world! Are all socks male?
Happy HNT!
Hahaha, that's a great picture! That sock obviously gets you into lots of trouble.
Can I say thanks for bringing up Rachel's picture again. Too funny, Happy HNT!
haha.. that sock is crazy!
Thanks for the giggle. :-)
LOL great post!!!
That is very creative! Great post. Happy HNT!
Yeah, you gotta watch those socks. They have evil plans.
Happy HNT!
Nice sock...
Very creative...I like both the HNT's here.
Just as long as your having safe sox it all good!We wouldn't want anyone to get hurt.
Floppy you say djk? Keep in mind that I was sitting when that picture was taken and the sock STILL managed to reach the keyboard.
LMAO!!! I'm so glad you could catch the moment on camera!
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