Monday, November 07, 2005

Vertically Challenged

My "With Friends Like These" post from a couple of days ago garnered a few questions and comments that I am inclined to address. For the record, I don't know how many of my friends keep a squirrel, or marmot, or wolverine in their pants. Harley was they only one I've seen and I'm still in therapy after that episode. Personally, I like to keep the jungle pared down. I don't want anybody telling me "can you hold on a where did I put that machete."

I will actually be seeing Harley this weekend. I came across some tickets for the Tennessee/Memphis game in Knoxville and it looks like I will get to go. I will try to take a picture or two (no, not of Harley's marmot).

Now to the primary topic of this post. My height. I never gave my height a second thought for the first thirty-four or thirty-five years of my life. I dated short women, tall women, and in between. The term "Napoleon Complex" has never been used to describe me. However, that seemed to change after my divorce when my height suddenly became an issue.

Some of you may recall, I participated in a couple of dating sites for a while. That was my first hint that my stature might be an issue. The number of women that are looking for men "six feet or taller" is staggering. Paradoxically, these same women rarely rose above the astounding height of five feet, four inches. All of the short women were looking for tall men. Naturally, all of the tall women (Jodi) were also looking for tall men. Kinda leaves us midgets ass out doesn't it? I am of the personal opinion that you should definitely look for the type that pushes your buttons. If that means only blondes, more power to you. If you only date people that have a tail growing out their ass, rock on. But, for me, it seemed silly to disqualify people as dating material out of hand. Sure, we all look for the butter for our toast, but meanwhile, get to know some of the other interesting people out there. Not going out with somebody that isn't taller than me smacks of self limitation, something I try not to indulge. Anyway, I have never let it bother me. I will admit that there is something to be said for snuggling in the bosom of a six foot Amazon, but I certainly won't discount the women shorter than my five foot, seven inches (and a half, but I won't bring that up).


At 6:43 AM, Blogger Jodi said...

I'm back...Did you miss me?

My addiction for tall men is my issue, I'm working on it. I was hit on by many shorter men this past week in Florida. A few of which were drool-on-the-chin gorgeous. I love being tall, but I hate it at the same time. I still <3 you though babes...

At 11:07 PM, Blogger The Smoking Redhead said...

Sounds like fun, I hope you have a great time!

At 5:57 AM, Blogger Bat said...

Uhhh, yeah RACH, like you aren't going.

At 10:14 AM, Blogger The Smoking Redhead said...

Oh yeah, that's right. Well then I hope I have a great time too!

At 4:39 PM, Blogger Bat said...


At 9:43 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I dont think 5ft7 is too short... i'm 5'9 but.. i'd date ya lol as long as you dont have a problem with it.. i dont ;)

At 7:49 PM, Blogger ... said...

blah! you and your "amazon woman" you know how many men say shit like THAT? I'm 5'1 (and some change thank you very much) and evidently that is "too short" for many men... kinda makes sex standing a bit dificult no matter who ya are.

At 5:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


I am a short man as well....nothing wrong with short or tall ladies. I like em all!!

Chris in NY


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