Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Dogs And Water

It never fails to amaze me. I always, always keep fresh water out for my dogs, but if I turn my back even for a second, they dash for the toilet. What's up with that? Also, never, no matter how hot you think your dogs are, never put ice in their water bowl. Why? you ask. They become very interested in getting the ice OUT of the bowl. So....when they paw the water for the ice, you get instant mess. Follow my advice fuckers.

I'm so glad we've had this time together.


At 4:23 AM, Blogger •♥•m•♥• said...

DO they follow U into the bathroom like mine do?? thank goddess my babies are too little to get into the bowl....but I know thats what they are thinking .....cause when I flush.....they dance and wag...."yeah......water!?!?!?" Dogs are so weird!


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