Sunday, July 03, 2005

Chicks Dig Scars, Right?

It's been brought to my attention recently that I'm a bit of a whiner. I hate whiners, I really do and being called one is ample motivation for me to adjust my behavior. It's not that I really think I have it so bad or anything. I just seem to always have something negative to say even if I don't mean it. It's just a reflex. I'm gonna start sucking it up more. I'm reminded of Anthony Michael Hall's character in "Johnny B. Good." He gets hurt in the football game and runs to the sideline crying, "Coach, coach, I broke my dick!" Coach takes one look at him and screams, "Well, rub some dirt on it and get back in there!"

So, I'm gonna try to rub some dirt on it instead of whining about it.

I am sick today. I have strep throat. The Doc gave me some antibiotics, told me to do something about my "strep breath" and sent me on my way. I was looking for a little sympathy from a friend and she told me that I should have gotten a shot instead and then followed that up with the quote of the century. Truly one for the ages. She told me:

"Your ass hurts for a few hours, but it beats swallowing."

I will take her word for it. I always did think she walked kind of funny.


At 10:14 PM, Blogger The Smoking Redhead said...

LOL, that could be worked so many ways.

Uhm...yeah, your ass hurts for a little while but it beats swallowing.

Oh man!

At 8:17 PM, Blogger aughra said...

strep mouth - that's the worse.


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