Saturday, April 09, 2005

Primate Mating Rituals

Dating is such a strange thing. I'm sure I have my little quirks that catch people's attention, but it's funny how you notice the oddest things about other people. Well, somethings you can't help but notice. Like a date that takes the peas out of her fried rice and puts them on your plate, or when she salts every individual piece of cucumber. Nothing fatal about those things, but odd I think. We went to one of those chop-saki places like Benihana. Great fun watching a chef set fire to oil and alcohol inches from your face while he beats the crap out of a spatula with a fork. How did these places ever get started? I cannot imagine the Japanese thinking this was an artform or even a good way to cook dinner. They seem much more dignified to me. I did like it though, when the chef made a volcano out of onion rings.

When you walk up five flights of stairs at four in the morning, there's definitely a hooker involved. -Rodney Dangerfield


At 1:37 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Or, when you’re on a match date and the guy licks his lips incisively! And continuously says..."you are so hot... your never going to call me again are you??"


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